Individuals with dementia are known for saying or doing the same things over and over, break up the same old routine with cheap and entertaining activities! BONUS: Most of these ideas are FREE (or super cheap)!!
So much of the time we over look puzzles as old or outdated forms of entertainment but puzzles are NOT given enough credit! With thousands of styles and designs and a fair price tag you can find something for anyone! Whether you need something with large pieces or something with many pieces you can find something for everyone!
This is likely the cheapest option but so versatile! Tapping balloons and keeping them “up in the air” is an entertaining way to maintain use of your arms or even legs! Whether you kick them or tap them make sure to encourage your loved one to alternate arms and legs in order to work all muscles! However you choose to play this will definitely keep your loved ones entertained!
A scrapbook or album style book filled with pictures and notes is a wonderful tool to use to remind your loved ones of great memories. BONUS: If your loved one is crafty you could involve them in the creation process!
No, this does not mean you have to be up in the gym working on your fitness, but it does mean getting out and moving. Walking is the BEST form of exercise and can be a great way to spend time with your family member! To learn more on the many benefits of exercise click here.
I’m serious! I’m not trying to be rude! Individuals with dementia want to feel busy or as if they’re helping, give them a smaller or easier portion of a task you are working on like folding towels instead of clothes, or drying light weight dishes.
Listening to music from their favorite times or if you know their favorite artists you could make a CD! Although they might be forgetting where they placed their coffee cup they will usually remember their favorite song!
People with dementia just want to feel included and busy the same way you and I do! So include them in typical daily activities even if it means you have to modify some things or if it takes longer to complete.
The information you need…Straight UP!!